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New Infrastructure

To create a new magikube project, run following steps.

** Before moving to next steps, please ensure you have configured all pre-requisites available at Introduction.**

  1. Start with new infrastructure creation
    • The project name must begin with a lowercase letter, contain only lowercase letters, numbers, or underscores, be between 3 to 8 characters in length, and must not end with an underscore.
magikube new PROJECT_NAME
  1. Please choose a cloud provider one listed in the Select a Cloud Provider prompt.
    • For detailed, cloud provider-specific instructions, please refer Cloud Guide.
  2. Enter a region in the Select a Region prompt.
  3. Please choose a cluster type from the available options listed in the Select a Cluster Type prompt.
  4. Validate or update cloud profile name to be used in Enter {AWS/GCP/AZURE} profile to use prompt.
  5. Please choose a code repository provider from the available options listed in Source code repository prompt.
  6. Enter GitHub Organization Name.
  7. Enter GitHub Access Token.
  8. Enter your git user name in the What is your git user name? prompt.
  9. Which environment are you creating. Make selection in Select an Environment.
  10. If you are creating a non-production environment, then select one or more lifecyles in Select Lifecycle(s).
  11. Enter a domain name in the Enter the Domain Name prompt.
  12. To create applications, please refer to the application-related documentation Apps Guide.

Post Deployment Setup

  • After successfully creating the project, proceed by executing the following script:
    chmod +x <PROJECT_NAME>/keycloak/
  • How to retrive ArgoCD credentials?
    • Once the setup is complete, log in to the AWS Management Console to retrieve the initial ArgoCD login credentials. For both NodeGroup and Fargate type clusters, follow these steps:
      • Navigate to the EKS section in the console and select your cluster.
      • Under the Resources tab, go to Config and Secrets.
      • Locate and select the argocd-initial-admin-secret in the Secrets section, then click on View Details.
      • The password will be displayed, which can be decoded using the button on the right side.
      • The username is admin.
    • For K8S based cluster type, connect to your cluster and execute below command to fetch your password.
      kubectl -n argocd get secret argocd-initial-admin-secret -o jsonpath="{.data.password}" | base64 -d